L2TP over IPSec and NAT-T


Well, it's been a while now.

I set up a ipsec/l2tp environment a while back, and was hoping that Apple was
going to get with the program, as the mac essentially is using the same
code base (I thought) as FreeSWAN. Things basically kinda work, but
not NAT travesal. Seeing how virtually every home and many public wifi
environments are running NAT to some degree or another, NAT-T is kinda

But it seems that the most recent tiger (upgraded as of the 1st of the year) is
*still* using "Draft 8" and isn't fully rfc-3947 compliant, as draft 8 wasn't ratified.

I've been expecting Apple to change this for many months now. I *could* patch
my server to allow this arguably (not arguable, it *IS*) broken client, as others
have done. However, next upgrade, means breaking it again, patching, and so

Does ANYONE have a clue if Apple is going to fix this? Back about six months
ago, I heard a rumor of this being listed somewhere as BUG ID# 4274347
in some arcane Apple developer bug tracking system. But I have no idea
how to research this.