Labels Won't Print From Contacts Menu-system Does Not See The Selected Contact/s


Hi I am new to MaosX. the link for creating a new post/thread was not easy to find. I hope I am in the right posting forum. I have a problem, as set out below.

Since I downloaded Yosemite, I cannot print labels with the Contacts menu. There were no problems printing lables from Contacts menu in previous O.S's, i.e Snow Leopard and Mavericks. My updates are up-to-date.

The label details show up in preview and when I click on the print command, a pop up menu says a page has not been selected to print. (Just to reassure myself I was following the correct processes, I checked online help).

I checked contact preferences they seem okay. The correct printer shows up in the print box.

I use a Mac (21.5-inch, Mid 2010),
the processor is-3.06 GHz Intel Core i3;
Memory 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3.
Graphics-ATI Radeon HD 4670 256 MB
O.S Yosemite 10.10

Are files missing, is there a programme deficiency, if so, what can be done about it? I have sent comments to Apple, and raised a question. So far, there is no response.

I regularly use labels. Help to sort this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for your reply

I have the latest printer and Mac OS printer updates. I am following the Apple process for setting up labels in the Contacts menu and print box. It is that part of the system that does not recognise I have selected a 'page' (a contact ) to print, even though, I can see perfectly well that my label is how I want it to print in preview. It's a pain, but I can do a C+P into MS Office for Mac and print a label from there. I do want to be able to print a label from the Contacts menu as I have done previous to Yosemite - O.S 10.10
Hummm! Never knew I could print an envelope from Contacts (formerly Address Book). Just tried on my Canon printer (using Apple drivers) and it worked! Now just have to remember orientation to put an envelope in.

Yosemite 10.10
Do you have the correct kind of printing selected from the pull down menu in the print dialog box _ that is where you select list, envelope, label ?
Hummm! Never knew I could print an envelope from Contacts (formerly Address Book). Just tried on my Canon printer (using Apple drivers) and it worked! Now just have to remember orientation to put an envelope in.

Yosemite 10.10

I use a Canon printer too.

Orientation is fun isn't it! The print function in Contacts (as you say, old address book) is a bit clunky as Apple have no programmed-in provision in the print panel for commanding a specific column and row on a page of labels. Your reply made me smile. Thanks
Do you have the correct kind of printing selected from the pull down menu in the print dialog box _ that is where you select list, envelope, label ?

Hi Cheryl.

After replying last time, I did check updates again via the Apple Logo on the upper task bar. Nothing doing there. So, for good measure I checked on the Apple website. To my surprise there was an update issued 13th November (three days ago) which, I have downloaded. I printed an address for an envelope from Contacts with Apple drivers onto an A4 sheet as a test. It printed. I was not so lucky getting the address to print on an actual customised envelope with the drivers. It will require a bit more working on I think. I will be needing to do some labels. As it is getting late now, I will report back on that.

Very Many thanks.
Hi Cheryl,

The labels issue is very much better than it was. I just have to ensure that my 21 labels all print centrally, not just the addresses in the middle row!!! It's good progress though, all suggesting that a final resolution to the issue is close. Many thanks for your guidance. Much appreciated... :)