LaCie d2 Hard Drive Extreme with Triple


First of all, sorry for my english, I´m Brazilian.
Well, it is my first day here
I have one eMac G4, Panther 10.3.9, 1GB Ram,
I´m working with one LaCie d2 Hard Drive 250GB, Firewire and USB, but I use Firewire,
So, When I started work with it, is was too fast, one week working with I pluged one pendrive to send some file for my HD external and, all stoped.
I restarted the computer forceding and come back work with it,
other day when I opened one file that I was working, it had been conrriped, I don´t remember the advice, but I couldn´t open it again.
My external HD wasn´t working as the first day.
I diceded to passa the verification in my internal, and I formated it with zero all data and After my External HD.

Now I´m trying to mount my External HD, but I can´t.
I formated it tree times with zero all data by disk utility, and it appear in disk utilities but not in desktop.
When I passes the verify in my external HD it give message.

Verifying volume
Checking HFS Plus volume
Invalid B-tree node size
Invalid B-tree node size
The volume needs to be repaired

Volume check failed

Erro: The underlying task reported failure on exti (-9972)

1 volume checked
) HFS volumes verified
1 volume failed verification

How can I fix it?

Please help me urgent

Thanks for any help.
Thiago / Brazil

Recently i had a similar experience on a Lacie 500GB Big Disk, althought the drive was partitioned into two sections I got the same error messages about nodes after trying tidy up the drives. I tried repair with tech tools and tired to retrieve the data with Disk Warrior. Neither was successful. Do try them though it may work on yours

I found no help at the Lacie site

Unfortunately after many hours of fruitless searching I just had to give up and take the data as lost. I only lost one partition, although I did have to re partition the drive

Sorry my news isn't better