Lacie Drive not recognized by Time Machine


I was wondering if someone could shed some light on my problem:

I have a Lacie Ethernet Disk Mini (250gb) with both usb 2.0 and network interfaces. Time machine won't recognize the drive via USB or the network. The drive is formatted as Mac OS Extended (journaled). The drive does have about 30gb of info on it already but other people have had success with using existing drives with information on it (at least it sounds that way).

Am I doing something wrong? Do I have to start with an empty drive in order for it to be recognized?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

You don't need a blank drive. Check the permissions of the drive, or tick "ignore permissions on this drive".

Thanks for the reply. I tried didn't seem to fix the problem. I also changed the permissions of "everyone" to read & write, thinking maybe that might work, but nope.

Its odd also that I now have to log into the drive twice every time I mount it via USB because the first try always says the login info is incorrect. Maybe the two issues are linked?

I might just transfer all of the info from the drive to another computer and then reformat/set up the drive.

Unless there are any other suggestions :)?
Every time I plug in the drive via USB a little Lacie "EDmini LogOn" icon pops up on my desktop instead of the drive itself. After I click on the logon icon, a lacie program starts up asking for username and password...of which I had to set up as I was setting up the drive itself.
Time Machine isn't going to know how to login to your drive - it only supports a direct, HFS formated drive, or a Leopard share. If you could get it to share via AFP, you may be able to hack it into working.