LaCie Firewire sleeps and never wakes up?


I've been having this problem with both a Quicksilver dual 1G and a B + W G3 running OSX 10.2.6

When my Lacie Firewire drive goes to sleep then gets polled to wake up (either by clicking on the drive or from an app that needs something from the drive) the activity light will show for a quick moment as the drive is scanned but the drive never re-mounts. What actually happens on screen is that I get the liitle colored spinning wheel and it never goes away. I eventually have to force a shut down and reboot. In otherwords, once the drive goes to sleep I'm toast. In the energy saver preferences the sleep option is turned off so I'm also wondering why the LaCie's go to sleep in the first place ... and ... how can I prevent this.

This problem never happened in OS9.

These are the older LaCies in the grey case with blue front. They have the power supply inside and sit horizontally not vertically like the new grey ones.

Product: LaCie 1394
Unit SW Version: 10483

Any help would be appreciated.
here's your answer - Spindown fix 1.1

you have to rerun it every time you reboot but it will keep your external drive from sleeping. it's just a real quick applescript that executes a terminal command for those of us too lazy to type into our computer to tell it what to do.
Put it in your Startup Items. Then you don't even have to think about it. :)
Arden ...

Are you talking about OSX?

Is the "StartupItems" you're referring to the following?


There are a number of folders in there .... is this app just dropped in the root of the StartupItems Folder??
No, open the System Preferences under the Apple and go to Login Items and add it there.

That may not work though, but give it a try.

Ed probably would have mentioned that.
If it's an Applescript, I assume you'd be able to run it at startup just as you would any other program...
i imagine it would work as a startup item. i personally replaced the icon with a Grateful Dead Dancing Bear and enjoy having it sitting out on my desktop. plus i don't always mount the drive that is a nuisance and otherwise i want tthe main drive to sleep overnight if i don't have disks mounted for the cron to run on. so i just never considered it.

i don't know if it requiring your admin password would effect it as a startup item or not.
Spinfix seems to be working and I have placed it in the startupitems folder however it requires a password verification at startup.

Why is this a problem in OSX (the drive sleep no wake thing). Is it LaCie and their drivers or is it OSX?
it's just the external drive i think. many of them come set to spindown and sleep when inactive. there's an upside to that in lower energy consumption.