So I've had this LaCie Quadra d2 500GB for a few months to store photos on, and it doesn't get accessed all that often. So I need it and of course something goes wrong - instead of showing up as formatted, with my photos, it won't mount the drive at all and only shows up as 11GB in size. In fact, it asks me to initialize it when I plug it in. It's primarily on a iMac 24inch 10.5.2. I've done the following things:
1) Swapped power cords out - didn't help
2) Tried connecting it via FW800, FW400 and USB - still the same problem
3) Went into System Profiler. Under Hardware -> FireWire, the drive shows up, but as unformatted and only 11GB in size instead of the ~500GB
4) Went into Disk Utility. Couldn't Verify or Repair the Disk (the options weren't able to selected).
5) Tried all of these same steps on a different Mac (MBP 10.4) and same luck.
Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks so much in advance.
1) Swapped power cords out - didn't help
2) Tried connecting it via FW800, FW400 and USB - still the same problem
3) Went into System Profiler. Under Hardware -> FireWire, the drive shows up, but as unformatted and only 11GB in size instead of the ~500GB
4) Went into Disk Utility. Couldn't Verify or Repair the Disk (the options weren't able to selected).
5) Tried all of these same steps on a different Mac (MBP 10.4) and same luck.
Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks so much in advance.