I know about the Mac history site. Thanks.
I also know that I have a 4GB SCSI hard drive in there running my system OS 9.1 software. Additionally, I have a PCI SCSI Jackhammer Card running a RAID 0 Striped array over quantity 4, 4GB Hard Drives in a SCSI array. I'm confident in that aspect of SCSI.
My question is more pointed.
Was there a drive compaitibility list for these Macs or is there a quantity sized drive that I can not use with 9.1 on a PM9600/350?
I have a Roland CD-Rack for music and it has a SCSI CD-RW with Macintosh 9.x drivers in it. It also has an additional bay for a hard drive and my 4GB won't hold SQUAT for a libaray or back up stuff. I want an slower Baracuda 80GB bottomless pit for storage.
Will it work or will I have to spend $200 to find out? Are you with me? Thanks for your help and knowledge.