laserwriterIINT vs OsX


hello to everybody,
here's my problem : how to print on a LaserwriterIINT(PostScript1) from a PowerBook Titanium Os10.2.
LaserWriter is connected to a local ethernet network by a DaynaEtherPrint interface and works well with the PowerBook started in Os9.
When stardted in OsX, the print center "sees" the Laserwriter on the network but when i try to connect, nothing happens.
In fact OsX gives some postscript printers drivers, but they looks to be only for postscript2 printers.
Anyone knows how to install a driver for a generic postscript1 printer ?
Many thanks.
I was in the same situation. Your best bet is to buy a Laserwriter IIg motherboard. Try eBay. You can probably find one for under $50. For that, you'll get Postscript level 2, better speed, more RAM, and built-in ethernet. You can sell the DaynaPrint to cover the cost of the motherboard.
thank you Cheril, I'll try all the drivers shown in the PrintCenter, may be one of them will work ...
Anyway, the link you give me leads to an old AppleCare page in which OsX doesn't yet exist ... forget it !
Thank you Chabig, I'm sure that your solution works, but I wonder why Apple does not give a Generic PostScript1 laser driver with OsX ...