hello to everybody,
here's my problem : how to print on a LaserwriterIINT(PostScript1) from a PowerBook Titanium Os10.2.
LaserWriter is connected to a local ethernet network by a DaynaEtherPrint interface and works well with the PowerBook started in Os9.
When stardted in OsX, the print center "sees" the Laserwriter on the network but when i try to connect, nothing happens.
In fact OsX gives some postscript printers drivers, but they looks to be only for postscript2 printers.
Anyone knows how to install a driver for a generic postscript1 printer ?
Many thanks.
here's my problem : how to print on a LaserwriterIINT(PostScript1) from a PowerBook Titanium Os10.2.
LaserWriter is connected to a local ethernet network by a DaynaEtherPrint interface and works well with the PowerBook started in Os9.
When stardted in OsX, the print center "sees" the Laserwriter on the network but when i try to connect, nothing happens.
In fact OsX gives some postscript printers drivers, but they looks to be only for postscript2 printers.
Anyone knows how to install a driver for a generic postscript1 printer ?
Many thanks.