Last Warning I Have Enough Of Herve Bar & Grill Don't Spam Me

I sent him a PM just recently asking him for his true identity and a few other questions. Can't wait for a response!
Okay, Tree == Hervé and Hervé == Tree. So stop making fun of him or I will sic the mighty EdX on you foo's.
Wait, actually - I could browse herve's bar thread and manually unsubscribe herve's each entry from it. Just unchoosing "send updates". I hope there aren't many of his posts in that thread :)
There seem to be something really slowing everything down today ... I checked manually herve's threads on the first 10 or 15 pages in the bar threads. None of those had a send email for updates selected. Tired to check every of his posts though... :(
Well...getting back on topic with this thread:

Hervé did bring up a good point. The bar and grill gives us a "lower quality" look if you were to ask me. Although it is so much fun just chatting!
This is Hervé's bar... and now its under a Tree... that's better for hot summer...
Originally posted by Jason
arden, you are completely daft sometimes, stop trying to get in bed with the mods/admins :p

Sorry if I sound stupid, but my Babelfish does not help me translating "daft" in to a French equivalent. Please help...
Ed: Not quite.

Jason: I am not daft, and I am not trying to get in bed with you fools (except maybe G ;)). Ed already wrote an exposition about Hervé and why he's cool, so I figured why re-write it? I would just point to it. But I'll let him take care of that.
arden, i would argue that 'clueless' is synonomous with the definitons you shared. i'm not saying that's what you are, i was just helping chevy understand the word.
Originally posted by Randman
C'mon, arden 'fess up, you're itching to be a mod padawan.
Damn straight! :D

And I usually use to look up words, but you can't link to a definition because it doesn't include the word in the URL.