Late to the MySQL party... Found great Installer & GUI!


I hay MySQL installed at one point in time, but I think OS X 10.1 or 10.2 blew it away.

While surfing around I found the simplest of all possible MySQl installers. If you've been dreading doing a bunch of stuff on the command line to get this working, forget that and pop over to aaronFaby's site and download the one-click installer "package"!

Also, last time I tried to use MySQl I was confused by all of the stuff I had to do at the command line. So this time I looked around for a nice GUI. I looked at several php/web based ones, but I did not like most of them (and I had some security concerns)... What I've ended up with is CocoaMySQL which is a Mac OS X (Cocoa) program that has the OS X look.

So now I'm running MySQL, and some simple test show that PHP has magically recognized it without added configuration of either it or Apache. (Possibly previous configs I made suddenly started working again...)