LCII to iMac G5 -possible?


I have an LCII with some stuff on which I'd like to transfer to my iMac G5.Is this possible? And what is the best (cheapest!) way of doing it. I'm thinking of removing the hard disc & refitting it into a new case with appropriate connections; is this a good idea? All helpful suggestions welcomed. Thanks. :)
'I'm thinking of removing the hard disc & refitting it into a new case with appropriate connections', the LC II uses a SCSI hard disk drive, hdd, interface. Currently, I do not know of any external Firewire and / or USB enclosure that accepts a SCSI hdd; only a ATA / IDE hdd.

'All helpful suggestions welcomed.', I am thinking a USB floppy disk drive connected to the iMac G5, and using double sided 1.44 MB floppies.
The cheapest thing you can do is get a 1.4mb USB floppy drive. A quick
google found this for $30:

Click me

If one or more of your files is over a meg in size, Stuffit (the full versions) will split and rejoin the segments.
dens said:
I have an LC11 with some stuff on which I'd like to transfer to my iMac G5.Is this possible? And what is the best (cheapest!) way of doing it. I'm thinking of removing the hard disc & refitting it into a new case with appropriate connections; is this a good idea? All helpful suggestions welcomed. Thanks. :)

For a minute there I didn't understand your request, until I realized you meant "LC II" as in the Macintosh LC II ("II" being the roman numeral "two"). ::ha::

You could try and search for some older external SCSI hard drives or even a Comm-slot ethernet card from some of the vendors listed on Low End Mac (

Good luck.
Thanks for the replies - useful as ever. I've ordered an external floppy disc drive which will hopefully enable me to transfer the data. ;)
If you know someone who has an old SCSI zip drive, and you can get a USB zip drive for your G5, it might be faster for transfering large amounts of data (100 MB instead of 1.4 MB). The investment might not be worth it if you only have a few files you need to tranfer though.