ld (lcrt) error message


i've just installed the whole xcode tools cd on my ibook (macos panther)
and i'm trying to use gcc (3.3 or 3 or 2.95.3) for compiling my c programs.
first of all i wrote a simple "hello world" program (just a printf and just the stdio.h lib)
but when i run

#gcc hello.c

i get this error message

ld: cannot locate file for: -lcrt1.o

i searched out on google for some ppl who have my same problem but i found anything useful but this link ("http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/autoconf/2003-07/msg00102.html") where there's a discussion 'bout a similiar problem...so i've followed the instructions but (as i expected) nothing changed...
i think the prblem appears during the "liking" process (in fact if i run gcc with -c option there's no error message but it doesn't crate any binary file... :P )

i hope you can give me so useful hint... tnx a lot

Did the xcode CD come with Panther? Is it possible you got a copy of the XCode preview CD for Jaguar or something?

crt1.o is one of the runtime files and should definitely exist in /usr/lib. If it does not, the only guess I can make is that your XCode install was somehow corrupted.

i've solved the problem...
it seems that the panther version included in the ibook pack has not the support for developping software... (it even doesn't have the Xcode cd..)...so when i installed the xcode tools some file still missed.....so i installed another version of panther (with the same xcode tools used before) and the gcc started to work properly....
guess why apple have made this kind of difference...
anyway tnx for the help :)