Hi all,
Has anyone out there figured out how to use the LDAP feature in X to query Exchange servers. A friend of mine who is a developer for a unix java mail app who is tired of getting OTDs (Outlook Transmitted Diseases) showed me through his mail app that there is an LDAP server imbeded in the Exchange server and also how to make querys. I was not able to configure the LDAP client in the Mail app to access this server. Has anyone out there tryed and succeded???
Has anyone out there figured out how to use the LDAP feature in X to query Exchange servers. A friend of mine who is a developer for a unix java mail app who is tired of getting OTDs (Outlook Transmitted Diseases) showed me through his mail app that there is an LDAP server imbeded in the Exchange server and also how to make querys. I was not able to configure the LDAP client in the Mail app to access this server. Has anyone out there tryed and succeded???