Leading antivirus researcher recommends Mac


Scratch & Sniff Committee
Just found this interesting quote in this article, thought you'd like it:

E-Commerce Times: What is currently the safest computer configuration for a home user?
Mikko Hypponen: Probably a Mac. That's what I would recommend. Coupled with Xbox for games, you can't really beat it, and no virus problems!

Mikko Hypponen is the director of antivirus research for F-Secure.

Link --> http://www.ecommercetimes.com/perl/story/33339.html
Good, this is one of the selling points I have to my fiance's parents on a new eMac (helps that they just shelled out $50 for a copy of Norton after they got hit with CodeRed or Nimda or Lovesan or Blaster or Antigen.B.win32.virus.badbadbad or whatever it was that they got hit with)
markceltic said:
bookem please enlighten me to the humor in the article :confused:

I just found it amusing that the Director of a PC Antivirus software company reccomends getting a Mac and an XBox. Still not amused?