Leopard and FileMaker


Leopard is also a big disappointment for those of us whose business is built around the FileMaker application.
FileMaker 9 is not presently compatible with Leopard and there is every indication that none of the previous versions of FileMaker will even be upgraded to work with Leopard.

This means that if I upgrade to Leopard then I have to spend another $300 to upgrade FileMaker - I don't guess so!!!!!!!

My Leopard package has not arrived from Amazon yet and when it does I will just send it back unopened.
It is a bit odd, as well as very disappointing.

Considering FileMaker is an Apple company, to find that their currrent application is incompatible is pretty poor, but I have not had v8.5 for long enough really to consider upgrading. And I don't have a business built around it ...

I am having Filemaker 9.0 working fine with Leopard. A Short remedy.

1. Select "USA" under International settings in System Preferences and it should work all fine. It currently does not work with other locales.

Hope this helps
Hmmm! I did upgrade to FMPro v9 and then upgraded to Leopard. I then found that my activations had gone -- I had to reactivate each installation of FMPro, one on my iMac, one on my MacBook.

I telephone Filemaker in the UK and was given an (one) extra activation, "because you should have deactivated before you upgraded". I protested that, a) I had not thought to read the FileMaker website before upgrading to Leopard and, b) I was now worse off, but the chap told me that that was all I was getting.

I telephoned again an hour later and got someone altogether more helpful, but he said that he would have "escalate" my request to the US and that he would get back to me the next day with my extra activation. That was last Thursday and I have heard nothing more from him.

So I emailed US Support, but the lady clearly didn't know what I was talking about and I had to explain my problem with my upgrade to Leopard again.

I'm still waiting to hear back, but it is Christmas. I shall be very, very grumpy if my upgrading to Leopard without having deactivated FMPro causes me to have a degraded FMPro installation.

Carl, in the Filemaker support office in the UK came up trumps for me: I now have 2 activations of FMPro v9. But if anyone is considering upgrading to Leopard they can save themselves some hassle by deactivating FMPro v9 first.
