Leopard is scaring me...help


Hi. I recently got Leopard. I also recently got a RAM upgrade and will soon be getting a hard drive upgrade. Right now, I have 1.25 RAM and 80GB hard drive, with most of it used up. I'm not sure if it's Leopard, or my new RAM or what, but since all this I have had problems that I never had before.
Numerous applications will go into the spinning rainbow of colors cursor and then "quit unexpectedly." It's like it's too hard for the laptop to do it's normal tasks now. And a couple of times, I return to my laptop after it has been asleep; it wakes up, but the mouse does not work. If I plug in a USB mouse, that one works, but not the touchpad. And the latest weird thing, my volume control was not working...in system prefs it basically said I don't have any devices for output or input. After shutting down and removing the battery and replacing it and putting it back, things are fine again, but I'm tired of this. Why is it doing this? Can my G4 powerbook not handle leopard? please help. thank you for your time.
How much empty space do you have? All those errors could be caused by having under 10 % space on the HD (irregardless of total size).
I have 10.1 GB of empty space. Not good then huh? My fiance told me my laptop uses a paging file or something but I should turn it off since I have more RAM now. How do I do that (and do u know what he's talking about)? Thanks.
ok, just freed up more space and now I have 20 GB free. Still having problems. imovie won't even open. :o(
When you installed Leopard, did you do an upgrade install, archive and install, or clean install? I know some have been reporting issues when they perform an upgrade and install in leopard -- generally an archive and install or clean install is recommended.

The crashing apps could be bad RAM -- i had similar issues with a bad stick of ram a few months ago. Have you tried removing the new RAM and only using the old RAM to see if that fixes the problem?