Leopard Mail Issues


Generally, I like the improvements in Leopard Mail, but there are some things that are annoying and one that is almost a deal breaker.

What is extremely annoying, and renders it almost useless for me, is that if I create a TO DO from a specific email message, there is no link from the TO Do back to the original email! If I view the list of TO DOs, I would like to be able to press a button or immediately see the email from which I created the TO DO. It is nice to be able to create it, but the TODO is a title for the action and the details are in the email.

Now show stopper. Before Leopard, I had defined a smart folder for a work account that collected messages from two mail boxes as well as from the sent mail, so that I could see all work related email in common threads. This worked and seems to continue to do so, even showing me the mail box in which the specific messages reside.

Even after I first upgraded to Leopard, the smart mailbox would contain the new message count among all of the messages that were displayed, regardless of which mail box they were in. This was great! Then, yesterday, this stopped! The smart mailbox now only shows me the number of notes/TODOs created from messages associated with the smart folder. Obviously the system knows that the TODO is associated with a specific message, even if it will not permit me to navigate to the message from the TODO!

How do I change the behaviour so that the smart folder displays the number of new messages and not the number of TODO?