Lexmark drivers (Z33) for Mac OS X?

Chris Belwinds

I have tried downlading the MacOS X driver from the lexmark.com website. And it doen't work. After downloading cjmx33l1.hqx, I get the error message "The file does not seem to be compressed" and therefore Stuffit cannot open it. Does anyone have similar (or better) experiences)? Where can I get a functional driver file????
Thank you! This link seemed to be the perfect solution: smooth download (11,6 MB), decompression alright and the installation? Sucks! It didn't work out again! In the middle of the installation (shortly before opening the Print Center) the Lexmark driver repeatedly reported an "installation error". Choosing a new printer was therefore impossible. I'd pay for this G...damned driver - if only I could get the printer running. HELP :-0