Lexmark X5150 issues with Tiger


Please help -

I've read a number of earlier postings about issues between Lexmark X5150 and Tiger. But here's me situation: I'm running version 10.4.5 on an iBook G3. The Lexmark has never been hooked up to it before. So, when trying to install the installation software it wouldn't let me. Then I went to Lexmark's site and DL'd the driver, which says it's compatible with Tiger. After running it through the latest version of StuffIt it seemed to be going through expanding, but nothing happened when it looked like it finished.

So, I've tried playing around with printer set-up utility as was mentioned in earlier posts, but nothing is working. Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance for any help, and my apologies if this has already been addressed. just wanted to see if there is any new info -

<<<<<since i posted this i've been reading more on the tiger situation. seems a lot of people are having the same issue. so i'm writing this extra note to clarify that i'm jsut asking if anyone knows of any updates, and not just a repeat of what's been shared with others. thanks again>>>>>>>>>>
