Lindows? Cool


Apple seeder
At they speak about Lindows OS .....a revolutionary OS that let you run both Linux and M4 Windows programs...finally the PC world will have a choice and will be able to get oput of M$ Yayyyy :-)
well just wanted to let peopl know about this nice idea Lindows :-))
screenshots are available at ... and it looks like (and is) a linux with a KDE environment that is made to look like Windows (95, 98, Me, NT 4, 2K).

Basically it's really just Linux with a 'compatibility environment'. Think 'Classic' - too slow, no driver support.

We got Mac OS X, which is a very fine UN*X with enough applications (soon). Why would we be interested in Lindows? Well, maybe because here's a case where Microsoft will lose in court. :)
Microsoft already won in one sense. Every bit of email communication that has been sent to Lindows, including the Lindows mailing list is now in the hands of Microsoft. So if you've ever sent them an email, Microsoft now has the email content and sender's address.

Hi there

Where is screenshots of Lindow at

I couldn't find any of them, could you provide a link for us?
IIRC, they sued because the name "Lindows" is too close to windows. Slashdot had several articles about this.

They didn't wanted to shut down the project, they only wanted that it has a different name.
I saw lindows when it first made its appearance (5-6 months ago ?)
It's cool , but I think its just linux with a changed version of wine so that people (who are newbies wont have a hard time with it :-) )

As for M$ suing them...well all I can say is...bastarados :p

I prefer Windows Millenium, but the price is very good and it can be a better alternative than OS/2. (something like transmeta)
you already have lindows. download any linux and wine and yer done as lindows is using wine for the windows enviornment as said in one of their early offical statements press release months ago, or a month, something.

lindows is a freaking joke.