lingering server connection window


I get a server login screen for another computer on our little network whenever I reboot.

That's been OK up until now. It never fully materializes. It's only partially there. The little rainbow ball keeps spinning in the Finder. I can't cancel, I can't fill in the passwsord. I can't connect.

Strangely enough I can connect to the other computer fine through the Go menu.

I would really like to just get rid of the window completely.

Oh yeah. I just upgraded to 10.3.3
Look in your "Login Items" under "Accounts" in the System Preferences and make sure you don't have an alias to a server share in there. Also, make sure there's not an alias to a server share in your Dock. Both of these situations would cause OS X to try and connect to that server share when you log in.
Thanks. I've looked for those and can't find any aliases to a server share (at least nothing I recognize as such) and there is nothing in my dock. Maybe there is something on the other computer that is commanding it to be be connected to my power book.