Linksys router and my PC's


Okay, so I just got an iBook, and I hooked it up to my Linksys router and...

It connected to the internet fine! However, my problem is that it cannot see the two PC's that are on the network, not letting me copy the documents from my home PC to the mac so I can trash the damn thing!

The PCs are running Win 98.

I set the iBook to Windows Sharing, but it still doesn't work.

Anyone know what I can do? The fact that all the computers can access the internet tells me that the router probably isn't the problem...

Make sure the PCs have file sharing enabled.

Also, make sure that the machines are all on the same network subnet. In other words, see the following example:

network =
subnet =
Router =
iBook IP =
WIn98 PC 1 IP =
Win98 PC 2 IP =
so, I checked one of the pc's and the mac, and they have the same subnet, an ip only ....2 away from each other, and not only that but I can access the router from both the mac and the pc. The pc can see the other pc (and vice versa), but neither the mac nor the pcs can see each other...

I also made sure that the mac wasn't trying to connect with PPoE, it's using DHCP like it should.
also check that your mac has windows sharing enabled... you can find it in Sharing in System Preferences..
Do the PCs have somesort of firewall software installed? If so, this could be preventing the Mac from seeing the other PCs since the PCs will be blocking any requests to them.