LISP/Prolog for Mac OS X (Jaguar)


Are there any good (and free) LISP and/or Prolog compilers for Mac OS X? I need to get these compilers for a Computer Science class this semester.


If you want free your only real choice is OpenMCL
it is not bad but it is still a little rough around the edges. It not a GUI app but all Lisp programmers know that Emacs+ILisp is the only GUI you will ever need.

If you are willing to part with a bit of coin has a version of allegro Common Lisp for OS X. Finally the classic lisp for the Mac is MCL from but it only runs in classic althought they promise an OS X version real soon now.

I am trying to install SWI-Prolog using the .mpkg from their site. I have xfree86 running. When I try to run it though, I get the following errors:

./swipl undefined reference to _BC expected to be defined in /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
./swipl undefined reference to _PC expected to be defined in /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
./swipl undefined reference to _UP expected to be defined in /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Trace/BPT trap

Any ideas on how to fix this?
