List View format won't stay!


Opening HD. always comes up in Icon View. Have gone into menu and unchecked "Icon view" and ckd. " list View" but quite often it goes back to icon view. Irritating that it won't stay as list view. Any ideas?
Macpro Work Station-2.8 gz.10 gig ram o.s.10.5.6-360 gig hd.
Open the window, set how you want it to look, then IMMEDIATELY close the window. Open it again: Should look the same. If you don't close it, it won't take. Apparently, views are saved for the folder open as you _close_ the window, not as you set the view-settings.
Thanks; Fryke-It's always the simple things in life that can be difficult!!! I'll ck. it out tonight.
Also, in Leopard you'll need to go into the View Options and check the box that says "Always Open in List View". Otherwise it will use the "global" setting, which changes every time you cahnge the setting on any folder that uses it.