Local Volumes + Trash on Desktop


For those who prefer having their local drives automatically placed on the desktop ala classic Mac OS instead of aliases, the OS X Desktop has property lists that allow this behavior.


Until a GUI can be written, open up a Terminal and type the following:

defaults write com.apple.finder Desktop.HasLocalVolumes 1
defaults write com.apple.finder Desktop.HasTrash 1

Either logout/log back on or quit the Desktop using the Process Viewer or CLI. Replacing 1 with 0 will resume the OS X behavior.

Caveats: opening the Trash that is on the desktop will open the Computer Finder window (you'll need to use the Trash in the Dock to get to the Trash contents).
shadowblue89, since I don't have MacOS X in front of me, I haven't had the chance to try out ShowDrives. When the drives and the trash appear on the desktop, can you organize them like any other icon, or are there some limitations.

I just hope Apple bundles this with MacOS X, either in the next beta, or in the final.
I must be missing something ... what's the big deal. I just have the Finder's "Show Items on Desktop" checked and all is well. What's the difference??
Wake up GL:p

hint: you are caught in a time warp. you may now fast forward to the year 2002:D

he he
Look at the date and time the posting was made. It is at the bottom left of each posting in the sender's details column.
Originally posted by ajmas
Look at the date and time the posting was made. It is at the bottom left of each posting in the sender's details column.

What the heck are you talkin' about and what does that have to do with the price of coffee beans in Guatamala??
{Flourescent Lights in GL's head start to flicker on for the first time in a year as he begins to understand what the fuss is all about.}

{Cob webs begin to fall as the gears begin to turn.}

{The hampster in GL's head begins to run on his wheel.}

I thought that this thread was new and I was confused -- I was like (hey, Valley speak) "What the Fü¢k, OS X already has these features, what's the big deal?!"

Yo comprendo. Loco in mi cabesa.

:D :eek: :eek: :p
Unfortunately, Apple took out the trash on desktop trick. :(

Although I must admit it's not that big of a deal having my trash in the Dock.
Originally posted by simX
Unfortunately, Apple took out the trash on desktop trick. :(

Although I must admit it's not that big of a deal having my trash in the Dock.

There's always DragThing ...