For those who prefer having their local drives automatically placed on the desktop ala classic Mac OS instead of aliases, the OS X Desktop has property lists that allow this behavior.
Until a GUI can be written, open up a Terminal and type the following:
defaults write Desktop.HasLocalVolumes 1
defaults write Desktop.HasTrash 1
Either logout/log back on or quit the Desktop using the Process Viewer or CLI. Replacing 1 with 0 will resume the OS X behavior.
Caveats: opening the Trash that is on the desktop will open the Computer Finder window (you'll need to use the Trash in the Dock to get to the Trash contents).
Until a GUI can be written, open up a Terminal and type the following:
defaults write Desktop.HasLocalVolumes 1
defaults write Desktop.HasTrash 1
Either logout/log back on or quit the Desktop using the Process Viewer or CLI. Replacing 1 with 0 will resume the OS X behavior.
Caveats: opening the Trash that is on the desktop will open the Computer Finder window (you'll need to use the Trash in the Dock to get to the Trash contents).