locating duplicates in iPhoto


Barking at the moon.
I must have goofed something when I imported some photos off a CD-R, because I have a bunch of duplicates in my library. The thing is, the identical photos are not located together; they seem to be scattered througout iPhoto. How would I go about searching for these duplicates so I can delete them (looking for something automated)?
iPhoto uses the datetime from the backup, not from the EXIF information contained within the JPEG file ... which causes all these duplicates.

Thought of iPhoto Diet as well ... only, I think that's only geared at removing the standard iPhoto backkups of originals of every file you touched up / rotated / etc.

If the filenames are intact & unique one could look for a dup detector application or script (analog to iTunes scripts) and run that on the library.
Well iPhoto Diet is pretty sweet app! It wasn't able to fix my problem, so I just had to go through and delete everything manually ... oh well. Anywhoo, thanks for the replies.
if you sorted it as film-rolls (or whatever it's called it english) all photos you added at the same time gets organized in a single roll. that way if you draged a photo cd to iphoto twice there should be two identical filmrolls. delete one of them.