Locking the computer

I just use a screen saver with password whenever I need to go away from the machine. Works just as good ususally.
Like dricci says: use a screensaver with password-protection enabled. I also have a "hot-corner" set in my upper-left-hand corner, so when I leave the machine for lunch or something, I just sweep my mouse to the upper-left corner and leave. Screen saver kicks in, password-protection is enabled, voila!
Wait. Very soon ScreenLocker will be out. It's awesome. Uses the screensaver locking, but is independent of your screensaver prefs, so you can have your screensaver not require a password, but lock the screen when you want via the app. I use it in the Apple menu with FruitMenu. It's perfect. Should be out any day now. Attached is my Apple menu.


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thanks, but with the screen locker...have a site or something..so i know when/where to get it when it comes out?
Originally posted by kanecorp
thanks, but with the screen locker...have a site or something..so i know when/where to get it when it comes out?

Mike Elston, the developer, will release it to Version Tracker and such when he's ready. Not sure if there will be a web site for it.
I tried putting a hot corner on my mac to enable the screen saver but it wouldn't work do u need to enable the screen locker
Hi Krisneth:

In your screen saver control panel, select a screen saver. Then, under the activation tab, check whether you want it to ask for a password. Then, under Hot Corners, put a tickmark in a certain corner (I use lower right). Any corner that has a tickmark will activate the screen saver if the mouse is dragged there and left for a moment, any corner that has a minus-mark will disable the screen-saver if you leave the mouse there (Sometimes handy).

That should do it ...