Log of CD rom activity


Is there a log of CD rom activity maintained on my imac Ver 10.5.8 I simply want to know if someone had used my computer on a certain date, I suspect a file was burned to a CD
Check Home>Library>Logs. If anything was burned there should be DiskRecording Log listed.
Finding out exactly what was burned is a bit more tricky. In DiskUtility log you can find out the name of the .dmg file that was burned, but not what files were included.
Thanks Cheryl.

I looked where you told me to and did not find a DiskUtility Log anywhere. Ideally I would like to know if the computer was used at all on a certain date for anything not just CD, even remotely. Any ideas? Also, I looked in the Console under system log and believe it or not it did not go back a week ago it only had today in it, with a lot of repetitive info, my other MAC goes back to July 22.
Those logs do get cleared out periodically during the nightly maintenance or if you have Macaroni installed.

Look under ~/Library/Logs in Console.

If you suspect some one using your computer, you should set the Account Log in to ask for the password when booting and when it wakes from sleep mode.