Login mask on OS 9 & UNIX/Linux - How ?

No, it is an existing feature. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, 10.1 can use Active Directory for user authentication and to locate home directories. So, what is jaguar adding? Can the Macs now have AD computer accounts, so they will be able to authenticate themselves when connecting to the AD servers? Can SAMBA shares now be used as home directories?

Also, where are you getting this information? I can't find anything on http://www.apple.com/macosx/newversion/ that relates to this.

The current Active Directory implementation in 10.1 isn't really going to meet my needs, so I'm very eager to learn more about this.


hmm... i seem to be misunderstanding your post when i say that 10.1 supports this. well most any mac website has a summary of WWDC points, they all say the same thing, and none goes into much detail, but they definitely mention that active directory support will be added/upgraded. beyond that i can say nothing.

check it out here: