Logitech Key Board / eMac


I am not a big fan of the Mac key board so I went out and bought a Logitech keyboard that said PC/Mac now the big guest ion is how do I get the CD/Rom drive to open using a non Mac key board?

Help !



* Oh by the way I have the key board on a 800mhz eMac using the USB port.
Hold F12 for a couple of seconds…

You could also double-click Eject.menu found here. ;) :p
This will add an eject menu item to your Menu Bar. Command-drag the menu extra to move it or remove it.

F12 should work though.
If you're using a Logitech keyboard with extra buttons on, you can download the Logitech Control Centre software from logitech.com and assign cd eject to any of the extra buttons, like i have. :D