LOL this is funny ->


Hi all,

I know i dont post here often but i saw this on a PC forum the other day and pissed myself laughing. You lot will deffo see the lighter side of this.



It is 50MB im afraid but the download is pretty quick for anyone with broadband and well worth it.
I don't think it was funny at all. I think it was stupid. And he made up key-commands (Command-.-Space?), and complained about problems that only are true in OS 9, in conjunction with the dock. While some may find this funny, I see it as somthing for windows users to try to point to to argue with us. It is worthless.
Look mate, if you cant find that funny then i dont know what you will find funny. I mean even a dead guy would laugh at that. Who cares what hes complaining about there have been similar ones about PC's.

Whats funny is the guys tone of voice, facial expressions and the way he takes the piss altogether, its just a piece of class and works so well with the music in the background.

Dont take life so serious, its too short mate.
I'm a mac advocate, a switcher, etc.

I think it's a hilarious piece of comedy making fun of apple's switch campaign (much like TechTV did).

You don't necessarily have to believe the stuff in it to find it funny... although back in the day when I used System 6-8 I would have agreed with him on a few things.

Someone give that man a big hug. :)

"...but not the top, NO! That's reserved for the mighty blue apple!"

Absolute genius. Give him two hugs.
i'll tell every mac lover this - life is too short to waste your time downloading this. hard disk space is too precious to let this bunch of BS take up any blocks on it. :(

unless you just want to laugh AT this guy for being so stupid. :rolleyes:
I thank you for allowing me to go to bed completely pissed off at this guy. I say we all hit his site repeatedly until it either crashes or is turned off due to bandwith issues.
Well im sorry people i found that piss funny and to be quite frank as i said earlier it isnt what hes taking the piss out of its the way he does it thats so funny.

Atleast some found it funny.
it's the way he does it that i didn't find funny. the guy is just plain mean and nasty - not clever at all. i've seen some of these parodies that i thought were very funny. this wasn't one of them.
So i take it you have seen the Anakin Skywalker(flash) one then, that was piss :-)

Is this the same Ed who was an admin ages ago doing Psychology?
yea, frgmstr, it's still me. i got rid of using my full name so obviously. ages ago when we were talking i was just a regular member here. i've only been an admin since last nov. and yes i'm still studying psych.
Cool, how is the psych going? My Comp Science degree is going very well since we last spoke, Got a wicked programming job starting in London soon :-)

Are you actually hoping to work in Psych?
Wow. I really have to agree with edX on this one.

This guy OBVIOUSLY has no idea what he's doing, he's stuck in the happy little hellhole of Windows while trying to use a sophisticated machine like a Mac, and he can't even stretch his hand to push "Command-Option-Escape"? Easier than "Ctrl-Alt-Delete"! And I could have used those computers he was abusing. All in all, not very funny and rather offensive.

I did like the "Terry Tate" movie, though. Hell yeah!
Funny? No. Irritating? Yes. And I'm not saying this because I'm a Mac fan, because I've seen better parodies. This one just plain sucks.:)
Yeah, I didn't find it very funny. In order for a parody to be effective, it must have at least some basis in truth.

What so there is no truth whatsoever to it? LOL.

Everyone has had those sorts of experiances be it with a mac or pc this guy has just picked on macs this time, except made it funny.