Looking for a good host company

Check out this posting I found on the webhostingtalk.com message board:
tera-byte do not perform backups

so, tera-byte doesn't seem so good anymore does it?

I'm not going to take the chance of them loosing my entire site and email accounts, and have to upload the site and setup the email accounts from scratch. Not to mention the downtime that's caused by them not backing anything up.

I think I'll stick with itsamac.com thanks.
after looking through the tera-byte site three days ago... i decided to sign up.

i have yet to receive a confirmation email from them. i emailed the sales and tech support dept. and no reply other than an automated ticket number generator email...

wtf is up with these guys?

I'm seconding Cyberwing Communications... holy shit these guys are good. VERY FAST, way, way too cheap, and it works great. I totally agree with their policy of offering service that they actually realize is for PEOPLE, not for mindless corporate drones (they must be Mac users :) ) They are helpful and they run a great, great business. Be sure to check 'em out! I just transferred my domain over, and I'm sure happy about it :)
hostonce.com unlimited access and web space, unlimited e-mail accounts, free domain reg. $4.95 a month, I have been with them for almost a year now with pretty good results.
If the hosting is well and the price is well, you shouldn't care whether they're running Windows NT with IIS or FreeBSD with Apache. If the folks behind a UN*X setup don't know what they're doing, they're also fast in bringing everything to a halt.

My recommendation: *Talk* to the people behind a service. It's their knowledge that will guarantee (or not) a good service. Every hosting company has their problems, they all have their better or worse peering partners, so your site might or might not have a good link to your own computer at the end of the day.

Communication is power. Talk to the people. Evaluate properly.