Looking for a MySQL frontend to build forms in, etc.


I would like to build a small database using MySQL and a couple forms to go with it. I'm not sure what to use for a frontend to build the forms, though.

I've never used MySQL and all my database experience has been with Microsoft Access. I would like to build the database tables using something like YourSQL but I need something that can create a frontend form or two in a hurry like I would in Access. I thought about skipping MySQL altogether and just using the database in AppleWorks but it is too simple and I need some relational ability (although it is quick to make forms in the Appleworks database.)

I don't want to always have to edit my database tables directly (i.e. like in YourSQL and many other simple clients), that's why I want a nice form-based front end. Perhaps the ability to have a form or two fill up based on a query...

Can anyone offer some suggestions?

To accomplish what you are asking in MySQL requires the use of a programming language. PHP, Python, C, etc.

You should look into FileMaker Pro. It is a great database that lets you create database solutions quickly. It is cross platform Mac/Win and relational. I have used Access and prefer FileMaker hands down! FileMaker inc. is owned by Apple, if that gives you any impression as to its usability. You can download a demo version to try at their website. www.filemaker.com

Good Luck!
There are a variety of free PHP scripts out there that may help. Not one will give you the full functionality of MSAcess forms, but using a combination of them may provide you with the functionality that you require. PHPMyAdmin is a great start and what I use for day to day administration of MySQL.

Check out hotscripts.com for some great scripts.

They are really easy to use, no programming knowledge is required normally - just follow the README documentation provided with them.
