Looking for Entourage alternative


Well, I'm working on kicking step by step all Microsoft software from my mac. I found good and usable alternatives for Word and Co., but have yet to find a good solution for my most running MS app: Entourage.

I like the "all in one place" solution, which is the reason why I dont want to replace it with AdressBook, iCal and Mail. I would like to keep it all in one app. Is there someone who has switched from Entourage to another PIM as well, and could give some hints and insights? :)

Thanks in advance.
JOffice(?) - the native port of OpenOffice to Mac for the office stuff.

There are probably 100 PIM/Mail clients that will work. Question is... why? Microsoft isn't evil. Most of their applications are damn fine pieces of code... though I will admit Office... specifically Word and Excel... is getting too bloated and crazy. Their development tools are top notch.

If you like Entourage why not just keep it? I've found that most people who take the religious stance against MS (or any other software company) for the sole purpose of just doing it end up regretting it. Use or not use software because you do or don't like it. Don't do it on the basis of some silly "belief" that Gates is Satan's twin on earth or something.

I know plenty of Windows people who miss out on the magic of the iPod simply because "I want something that's not Apple". I chuckle and walk away... Listening to my iPod.
Sorry, chornbe, but no-one who has a personal fortune of $46 billion can sell a flawed product without expecting to be accused of being anything less than angelic... ;) There's simply no excuse.

The only time my PB crashes is when I'm working on something in Office...

"Something is rotten..."
To each his own, to be sure. I'm not trying to convert anyone to MS. Just pointing out how it is.

But NO one sells a non-flawed product. iPhoto crashes on me periodically - more or less just as often as Outlook and some other apps. Hell, Firefox crashes more than any MS product I have on any of my several PCs, and it's still a better browser than IE AND Safari.

My point is that if he likes Entourage, just use it. There's nothing wrong with doing so just because it's got the MS moniker on it. The time is right for a better office suite to come along and take over - many people, corporate and personal, are unhappy with some of what MS represents. And yet...

The thing is... there simply *isn't* a better office suite. OpenOffice is good, but it's got a long way to go to be as "good" (meaning as polished and friendly) as MS Office.

iWork Pages... not flawed?? As long as Apple and the word processing market has been around, there's simply no excuse for Pages being as crash-happy, bug-prone and unpolished as it is even for a version 1 release.

Same as the reporting market; Crystal Reports is a complete piece of crap product in a complete piece of crap market segment; but it's the best piece of crap out there for what it does. And IT crashes more than *ANY* Microsoft product.

Point being, flawed software is a way of life. First to market and cost-contending assures this. Use what you like. Period.
Every time a discussion comes up about office suites, the argument is always about M$ office. I use Word daily, simply because it works well, and I am familiar with it. I agree, if he likes Entourage, then just use it.
I say this all the time in regards to office suites for the Mac. Why not Lotus? I would love if they ported that over to the Macintosh. The competition would be great between M$ & IBM.
I used to love AmiPro 2.0. Fast, easy, lightweight. Good stuff, to be sure. What was that replacement called? Write? WritePro? I forget. I remember it suffered from feature bloat, too and I kept AmiPro around for a long, long time.