Looking for interested buyers - iBook 700MHz & PB 1GHz


Powerbook G4 15.2"TFT 1GHz Superdrive w/ AppleCare (~2.5 yrs left)
1.024GB RAM (PC133 CL3)
Defcon laptop cable
Spire messenger bag for 15" TiBook
Airport card
(including stock 256MB PC133 RAM & leather screen protector)

iBook G3 12.1"TFT 700MHz DVD-combo drive w/ AppleCare (~2 yrs left)
512MB RAM (PC100, 640MB total)
Airport card

you can go here for further specs (http://www.everymac.com/)

Could you please post also how much you want for each, and where you are and how and where you are willing to ship?

And why are you selling these beauties? :)

I'm in Southern California & willing to ship within continental US (possibly Canada too). Shipping methods are up to buyer & will influence final price.

I'm selling these wonderful machines to get me arse out of debt before my first-born comes along (hooray for mini-me)!

As far as prices go, I'm still looking around to see what a fair market value is. Feel free to make me an offer though! ;)
A NEW PBG4 that is identical to mine would run you $2480, without tax or shipping. ($2030 for the laptop + $250 AppleCare + $200 RAM)--http://www.macmall.com/macmall/shop/detail.asp?dpno=764337

I think a FAIR price would be $2100, saving you at least $400.

A NEW iBook that is similar to mine (900MHz w/ 40GB HD compared to 700MHz w/ 20GB HD) would run you ~$1400, without tax or shipping. ($994 for the laptop + $250 AppleCare + $60 Airport card + $100 RAM)--http://www.macmall.com/macmall/shop/detail.asp?dpno=156613

I think a FAIR price would be $950, saving you at least $350.

Email me for negotiations... :D
Ok, looks like the PB G4 is sold (assuming the money comes!).

The iBook is still up for sale. It has Panther installed and runs like a champ! My final offer is $850 & I'll pay FedEx ground within the lower 48 states.

This will be the last you hear from me. I'll take my iBook to ebay after this Friday, the 31st.
