Looking to get started.


Ok. I'm looking to get into making a web site for myself. But plan to get a job soon so not doubt will be busy. And I'm basically asking is can you guys give me a idea on what options I have to get started. SO to start I have no HTML brains. Much rather learn in a class or something. Now I already heard of Dreamweaver. It's nice but I worry about how hard it is and how long it take to learn, I want it to be worth my money. Secondly, what's the old eMac have to offer? Anything? Hey thanks in advance to anyone who can help out.
First, HTML for Dummies + CSS for Dummies worked very well for me. You could also get a used copy of Dreamweaver, Golive or Pagemill if you want WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) at a low cost. You'll need Photoshop or something of the like for images.

Second, the eMac doesn't have anything more than any other Mac. Every machine ships with TextEdit and SimpleText (in OS 9), and you may be able to find one with Appleworks.
I would definetly recommend this site to learn about all kinds of web technology: http://webstandards.org/learn/ .
I would start by learning xhtml 1.1 strict, it is the most advanced standard on the block right now. But the great thing, is that compared to html 4.01, xhtml is quite simplified - there are less tags to learn and less attributes to remember. Basic xhtml shouldn't take much more then a day or two to learn, there isn't a very steep learning curve.
Once you get down xhtml, the next step to take is CSS, or cascading style sheets. You use CSS to style your xhtml, the xhtml itself should be very bland and to the point, CSS is where you should really get into giving a site visual beauty.

xhtml is much simpler then css, but to learn both I would recommend you just trudge through and do your best to code your site with the two languages. If you run into trouble, make a small case study, to experiment with different properties of the languages until you can work through and fix the problem. And there are tons of resources on the web - discussion boards, weblogs, and mailing lists. There is all the information you need on the web, and even more you can buy at bookstores.
I'm here if you have HTML or CSS questions, as well. Feel free to IM or email me.

I also recommend you stick to XHTML, at least Transitional if you don't want to jump right to strict. It's a lot easier to code your site with XHTML and basic structural tags like DIV's, and to use classes and ID's, then format everything using a master CSS sheet referenced externally, than to use individual font tags for every single <p>, <td>, etc.

Once you've got a good handle on XHTML and CSS, I suggest you read Javascript for Dummies and other JS books. (I actually took an online course through my JC.) You will surely appreciate all the wonderful things JS lets you do, such as rollovers and dynamic content, and it's a lot more fun when you know how to code the stuff yourself.

Some resources:
  • www.echoecho.com
  • www.dynamicdrive.com
  • www.webreference.com
  • www.devguru.com
  • www.builder.com
  • And, of course, www.w3.org
I also suggest you check out Bravenet.com, as they have numerous tools like site statistics, polls, etc. that you can add to your site for free or for a price (with an upgraded membership).
Just a suggestion, before using WYSIWYG tools, try to do some simple tutorials on hand-coding. You will have to check and fix the automatically generated code by hand anyway, so you better get trained a bit beforehand.
Also check your pages with HTML Tidy. It will give you a full report on errors and can even convert HTML to XHTML. There is a Mac (carbon) version available.
For learning dreamweaver, photoshop, and hundreds of other apps.

check out


they have online training in a series of quicktime files!

I have really learned alot there!

I think its like 29.95 per month to join.....but well worth it.

So join for a month and learn what ya need.

