Looks like no G5's in January


According to Maccentral it looks like the Apollo G4 processor will be shipping in january,
with G5's coming out sometime later next year.
I actually never understood why the G4+ (introduced with the digital audio G4s) was not named G5. It had enough differences to the G4 to name it G5 if you ask me.

maybe it's just me, but I'm starting to get a bit weary of all of the guessing and hoping that seems to go on in the Mac Rumor arena. It's not as bad in the Wintel side of things - too much case modding, adding watercooling, overclocking, going on, to care about what's down the line.

All the speculation, and ultimately the disappointments just sets people up, with higher than high expectations, then all it does is leave people hanging high and dry, and a bit bitter. Some people could not even enjoy the iPod because they listened to every single word Apple's PR machine said... guess people are still upset because it's not as "revolutionary" or "mind-altering" as they said it would be perhaps.

It separates the community and computer users into either zealots that are willing to bite off the head of anybody that says otherwise of Steve Jobs or any mac rumor, or turns them into embittered and harsh speakers against Apple - but they still buy the product because they hate Microsoft that much more, or it turns some people into realists and they are the worst kind. They may be actual able to see through the rumors and PR attempts, and are willing to be patient and want Apple to come out with a machine that is truly indeed, worthy of a purchase, and hopefully embodies the newer technologies.


just my 2 cents worth
Originally posted by gerbick

maybe it's just me, but I'm starting to get a bit weary of all of the guessing and hoping that seems to go on in the Mac Rumor arena. It's not as bad in the Wintel side of things - too much case modding, adding watercooling, overclocking, going on, to care about what's down the line.

All the speculation, and ultimately the disappointments just sets people up, with higher than high expectations, then all it does is leave people hanging high and dry, and a bit bitter. Some people could not even enjoy the iPod because they listened to every single word Apple's PR machine said... guess people are still upset because it's not as "revolutionary" or "mind-altering" as they said it would be perhaps.

It separates the community and computer users into either zealots that are willing to bite off the head of anybody that says otherwise of Steve Jobs or any mac rumor, or turns them into embittered and harsh speakers against Apple - but they still buy the product because they hate Microsoft that much more, or it turns some people into realists and they are the worst kind. They may be actual able to see through the rumors and PR attempts, and are willing to be patient and want Apple to come out with a machine that is truly indeed, worthy of a purchase, and hopefully embodies the newer technologies.


just my 2 cents worth

...and a damn fine 2 cents if you ask me gerbick :)
Its fun to speculate and all, but people are always going to be disappointed.


'cause they always want this:
4x 5.5ghz G10 processors
2GB Ram
GeForce 5 with 1 GB VRAM
800 GB hard disk
22" Flat screen monitor

Cost: $999, shipping yesterday

These dreamers want all the toys but want to pay nothing for it. Yet at the same time, they probably want a job where they do nothing and get paid a ton.

"You get what you put into it"
Originally posted by FaRuvius
Its fun to speculate and all, but people are always going to be disappointed.


'cause they always want this:
4x 5.5ghz G10 processors
2GB Ram
GeForce 5 with 1 GB VRAM
800 GB hard disk
22" Flat screen monitor

Cost: $999, shipping yesterday

These dreamers want all the toys but want to pay nothing for it. Yet at the same time, they probably want a job where they do nothing and get paid a ton.

"You get what you put into it"

... can I get that with lippycorn injection and rotary-gerters?
I agree FaRuvius... speculation is fun. But when people start assuming that at MacWorld they were going to show the new flat-panel iMacs, and it didn't happen... people ranted and raved. When Apple said they had the next big thing, it was something revolutionary... and it was just an iPod... people frothed at the mouth.

All I was saying that the speculation portion - heck, I'm IM'ing a friend that I would kill for a dual 1.6ghz g5 along side my dual 1.6ghz athlonMP box :D - but you know what? If it doesn't happen this upcoming MacWorld, I will not be upset.

Heck, they can come out with the iPod remote at MacWorld, and it'll be their only release, and I will not be upset.

now, if that dual g5 comes out, and sell out and I don't get one and I have to wait for a long time, then you will see me froth at the mouth ;)
It was Apple who said they're going to have a revolution per year, wasn't it. :) Well, it was clear from the beginning that THAT wouldn't happen. Doesn't stop rumours though.

It's also a fact that the PowerPC processor has been stuck below the GHz for quite a while. Go check when the first 500 MHz G4 was announced. Check where we are now (867, is this a joke? No, actually the 7450 is a lower performer than the 7400 at the same clock rates!).

Apple needs a processor in its PowerMacintosh line that brings it not only on par with what AMD and Intel are offering, they have to blow them away. They did back when the G3 was announced. And with the initial G4. Then it all started to dribble a bit, didn't it.

We'll see what Apple will uncover in early January. The portables have just been updated, so they're not going to be again. Pity. The iBook with a 1 GHz Sahara processor from IBM would rock, and the chip is AVAILABLE from IBM. The iMac should use that chip. Not some 800 or 900 MHz, just because the G4 would seem too similar.

Apple must present an all new iMac. This was clear throughout the second half of this year. Let's hope it'll not be too little too late in January.

The next PowerMacintosh must make the QuickSilvers bite the dust immediately. Whether it'll be called a G4 or a G5... The 'G5' would mean a fifth generation PowerPC processor. The 7460 is a G4 processor. If Apple starts to call them a G5, that'd be a bad move.

But the machine that'll replace the QuickSilvers can't just start where the former high end machine was (Dual 800), it must start as a single processor machine above 1 GHz.

All of you whining that you just bought a 'fast' machine that'll be old in January: Pity. It's the way it is - and has to be - in the computer hardware business. Your machine won't be any slower in January, but your mind will think so.
and when it doesn't happen, what's gonna happen then? ;)

and when it does happen... I'll be behind you in line.

deal? :D
Apple knows people were really disapointed after the last MacWorld failing to show the flat screen iMacs, etc. And iMac sales have been dropping. They're just not as innovative and cool anymore, and they can't compare to some of the low cost PC deals. But as others have said, I'm 100% sure Apple will release a new revised iMac in January, probably running a super fast G3 or lower G4. And, it'll probably have some sort of Flat Screen. We actually may have some expandability or choices on this, too.

And, we may see the G5s. Apple can keep things a secret pretty well, by launching fake rumors that seem too good to be false. They've done it before, we'll just have to wait to be sure.

But 2002 will be the start of the year for the Macs to make an encore into the PC market. Apple knows they need to do something, and they know what to do. Since we've seen such little changes in the hardware (except for the iPod), they must be working on something new.

Meantime, it'd be helpful to send in your feedback to Apple. Let them know what you want and how you feel about products. Also, pound software developers until they Support OS X! Don't be rude, be positive and tell them how many paying users they could gain to their software market.

Apple knows what has to be done, and they'll do it. But it's up to us to keep them supported, and not "over expect."
My opinion is iMacs need to go to g4 processors because X runs so much nicer with a g4 than it does with a g3.

The speculation of new g4 and/or g5 processors could mean just that if we can assume there are new processors of each type arriving first quarter next year, iMac with a g4 and the pro range with a g5.

A flat panel iMac would be nice but at what cost?