mach-o mach-o man
The problem I'm referring to is one I frequently hear about in irc.
Surf the web for 20 mins (using sites you don't normally use, just to rule out the DNSAgent's cache) in osx with your favorite browser. Watch the console (/Applications/Utilities/
you may see stuff like this:
right before these errors pop up, you'll be at a site, and your web browser will say something like 'looking up site...'. The browser will pause for a sec, then you get the message, and then it finds it.
Well I've had enough of this. so I am going to figure it out. Last night I read 18 pages on lookupd (which was very interesting for a man page ;-).
Here's what I know: timeout means that the speficied timeout was reached when contacting the host. Well Duh. But anyway, what does not make since, is that I only have one DNS server listed in my preferences, and yet after it 'times out' it finds the host (it doesn't go to the next host, obviously because there isn't one).
Lots of people have reported this to me, and I think its time we figure it out. Don't say its because the DNS server isn't replying - some people that have 4 redundant BIND servers on a fiber network have reported this
To test your dns server from the command line don't use host or nslookup - they rely on lookupd, which is what we want to prove is the problem. If your dns server is dns.server.domain and the host you wish to lookup is host.i.dont.know, use the following syntax from the terminal:
Oh, allways use ip's when you are refering to dns servers, btw 
the problem seems to only happen to me when I specify a dns server on my subnet (I don't get the errors with I use my isp's crappy dns server).
Please, unix and NetInfo gurus (I know you're out there!) help us out if you can. I'd like to start by asking everyone to post if they are getting these DNSAgent timeouts in their logs. there must be some common trend between us.
Surf the web for 20 mins (using sites you don't normally use, just to rule out the DNSAgent's cache) in osx with your favorite browser. Watch the console (/Applications/Utilities/
you may see stuff like this:
Feb 5 17:07:10 mach4 lookupd[202]: DNSAgent: dns_send_query_server - timeout for
right before these errors pop up, you'll be at a site, and your web browser will say something like 'looking up site...'. The browser will pause for a sec, then you get the message, and then it finds it.
Well I've had enough of this. so I am going to figure it out. Last night I read 18 pages on lookupd (which was very interesting for a man page ;-).
Here's what I know: timeout means that the speficied timeout was reached when contacting the host. Well Duh. But anyway, what does not make since, is that I only have one DNS server listed in my preferences, and yet after it 'times out' it finds the host (it doesn't go to the next host, obviously because there isn't one).
Lots of people have reported this to me, and I think its time we figure it out. Don't say its because the DNS server isn't replying - some people that have 4 redundant BIND servers on a fiber network have reported this

To test your dns server from the command line don't use host or nslookup - they rely on lookupd, which is what we want to prove is the problem. If your dns server is dns.server.domain and the host you wish to lookup is host.i.dont.know, use the following syntax from the terminal:
dig @dns.server.domain host.i.dont.know
[i] example: dig @[/i]

the problem seems to only happen to me when I specify a dns server on my subnet (I don't get the errors with I use my isp's crappy dns server).
Please, unix and NetInfo gurus (I know you're out there!) help us out if you can. I'd like to start by asking everyone to post if they are getting these DNSAgent timeouts in their logs. there must be some common trend between us.