Looping Setup Screen


Installed 8A298 on a 500meg 1gb RAM Cube, totally standard and I get the Apple Welcome setup screen looping. I can't select anything on it or quit it or complete the forms (spinning beachball). If I leave it I get a close, report or try again dialogue but whatever button I press it just loops again.

Any ideas? Prolly reinstall!


I'd say yes: Try to reinstall, maybe it'll work the second time around. Haven't had anything like that happen on any of the Tiger builds I installed. Could also be a specific problem with the build and the Cube, but I doubt it, really... Can you report if it works the second time? :) And: Do you _mean_ 8A298 or 294?
Sorry 294, my mistake.

Reinstall gives me same error, can't get out of it.

I see the Cube getting an IP from DHCP, but I can't remote login and kill the process cos I don't have user/pass yet, unless there's a backdoor one!
You don't really want to kill the process, anyway... You _could_ try to first install a 10.3 on that drive and then update to 10.4. Or does that lead to the same cube-rotation screen, anyway? I don't remember, haven't really 'updated' a system in a while, always clean-installed and imported...
I originally installed over a 10.3 install and got a screen full of debug on every boot! That was an archive and install over a 10.3 server so I prolly deserved it!

I'll do a 10.3 non-server install on it and upgrade that, worth a try, if a bit boring!



Installed Panther and install Tiger as upgrade and Robert's yer mum's brother!

First impressions?

Pretty much the same at first glance, spotlight in the top right hand corner, only thing noticeably different to me on first play is Mail.app. I know there's the dashboard to play with but it seems pretty much all under the hood so far change wise. Been stable over today so I'm tempted to install onto this G5, in a seperate disk. Infact, doing a mad copy now. Panther on this G5 has really slowed down, since a virgin install a year ago or so, I notice it when I see the red counter appear on mail.app then the ding several seconds later! Also video encoding is taking twice as long as it should. Don't stop me, I'm in 'justify' mode!

The reason I got the G5 was for it's 64-bit-ness, being a Solaris man by trade and using an Ultra 60 before this. I wonder how 64-bit Tiger is? Solaris took several releases before becoming fully 64-bit, think the filesystem was first, or maybe it was last! Anyway, I can't imagine Apple have gone the whole hog in one go.

I report here on what I find, should be ok as I'll still have Panther on another disk or partition, and I only seem to be using it as a glorified terminal for my job at the moment. Like to play with video though as a hobby so I'll stress it there.

(Mail becoming slower over time quite certainly _has_ to do with it handling larger .mbox-style files.)