I am the law!
Can someone explain to me what the lost+found directory is for? I see some files in there that exist in other locations on my hard disk. Can I manually empty it out?
Fahrvergnuugen said:Can someone explain to me what the lost+found directory is for? I see some files in there that exist in other locations on my hard disk. Can I manually empty it out?
Fahrvergnuugen said:its NOT from norton as this directory exists on varying types of *nix
I've been told that lost+found is where Unix filesystems put recovered data.
bobw said:Wal Hydroglow We is all hyar jest tryin' t'larn. ah thunk it was fum fsck o' a crash as ah said above. Thanks fo' th' info'mashun. Keep it a-comin'.
Hydroglow said:haha you guys are so mac. The lost+found directory is created when you *nix box crashes. What happens is the computer takes some files that it has in it's memory and puts it in the lost+found directory so you can view later to see if you need them or not.
"Orphaned files and directories (allocated,in-use but unreferenced) are reconnected by placing them in the lost+found directory.The name
assigned is the inode number."
That's what I get from my man page. Hopefully you all never see a lost+found directory.