Lost Hard Drive Space


I have a 60GB pBook, i used up about 25-30GB of space until a couple of moments ago when i looked to the bottom and it said i had about 500mb space left so i freaked out and tried to find what was taking up all the space. I couldnt find anything and thought it must have been a bug and was showing the wrong number so i restarted, after the restart it said i had about 1GB.

The only idea i have is that somehow i duplicated my hard drive or something, but i have no idea if thats the case, i checked all main files on my hard drive (users, system etc.) and they only equal to about 25GB.

argh, what happened :eek:
I just checked my finder again and now it says theres only 102 mb space left, i just saw it jump from 102.2 mb up to 102.3mb and i didnt do anything.

Im also checking disk permisions and i got a strange permission i had never seen before that related to files etc.

"We are using special permissions for the file or directory ./System/Library/Filesystems/cd9660.fs/cd9660.util. New permissions are 33261"

Hopefully fixing this will solve the problem
Just did another permissions check and it came up with:

Frameworks/NavigationServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/column.png, should be 0, group is 80
Group differs on ./System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/NavigationServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/list.png, should be 0, group is 80

I never get these kind of things, it seems pretty strange to have this happen now
Thats a nice little app.

It shows i have used up 25.3GB
users: 16.3GB
applications 4.5GB
Library 3GB
System: 902mb

So i have lost 35GB into thin air? any way to reclaim this?
I think i have found the problem here:

"Sometimes, backup programs that cannot find an intended destination (or target) volume for a backup create a folder with the same name as the destination, and put the folder into the /Volumes directory. There are cases in which the entire startup volume has been backed up on itself, in a folder inside /Volumes. If the amount of missing space is about the size of your user folder, such a backup is likely to be the explanation. If you use Carbon Copy Cloner or another backup or cloning utility and have its preferences configured to create a backup on a schedule, and the intended destination volume is not mounted or is sleeping at the scheduled time, the backup is created in the /Volumes directory"

I had CCC scheduled to backup my hard drive to an external which is usually called untitled... i guess this file is a complete duplicate of my hard drive right?

Just want to make sure this is correct so i dont delete it and delete my hard drive.

Heres a pic of my volumes directory:

