Lost Internet Connection befor iChat


Hi Everybody,

My configuration here :

Router Linksys WRT54G v6
iMac connected ethernet router
Macbook connected wireless on the same router

when we make call with third person, it's ok (conferance call A/V @ 3)
When the macbook close connection... We lost Internet connection
I "reboot" the router, and after that, Internet is come back !

HELP ME for find workaround !

You have trace down if it is the Mac or the wireless router (you have the current firmware). see if you can connect either wired or with out the router and see if also happens. This way you can see which one is messing up.
When the macbook close ichat, I lost connection with the router. Wireless connection and wired connection. I unplug power's router. Wait 5 sec. Plug in. All connection are come back Wireless and Wired... The logging on WRT54G v6 is poor. I don't know what happen !!!!