Lotus Notes 6 Hidden Views - Help!


When I'm working on Notes stuff I'm usually doing it from a PC but today I only have access to my home Mac. I have the Notes 6 client installed and it runs well but I have one problem:

How do you open a database's hidden views on the Mac client?

On a PC, you just hold down CONTROL + SHIFT while clicking on the bookmark, but this just brings up the context menu on OS X. There must be a way to do this...HELP!

Thanks to any Notes users out there...

Sorry this is not really related to the topic, but how do you guys find the Notes client for OS X, at least compared to the Windows version?

Well, 6.0.1 is definitely a big improvement (especially the installer!). This version seems a lot more responsive.

Functionally, I like the features in Notes 6 in general but I miss having native access to the Designer in OS X (IBM has said they will not make one).

On the bad side, the default font rendering in the OS X version is WAY too small (like Netscape 4.x), you have to adjust it using something like the Font Sizer (http://www.benpoole.com) before it's really legible.

There are lots of other Mac specific comments on the Notes.net Notes 6 Forum.

Thanks for the info. Is the OS X client fast enough or a bloated pig like under Windows? Under Windows at work I use NotesBuddy since it's a lot faster and slimmer, but too lacking in functionality.

And any chance you could get a screenshot of it?

Here's a screenshot.

Is it a speed demon? Probably not, but then I'm only running a 400Mhz G4 which means I'm not going to win any speed comparisons!

The best thing I can say about it is that it lets me work on a Mac...and that's reason enough to have it!



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