low system memory warning

Quite a change, I must say. ;)

Bearpaw (or may I call you Peg? ;)), your site loaded fine for me, and only took 4 seconds to load the main page (and subsequent pages took about a half-second with cached files), and this is in Netscape 7.

You say you're using IE? What about a different browser? I would suggest using Apple's Safari, or possibly Camino, Opera, OmniWeb, or even Netscape if you can bear (;)) to look at it.

As for my original suggestion, push Command-F (that's the open-apple keys that surround your spacebar) and select search criteria, or something... I'm not using OS X, so I'm not sure how to do this exactly. But there should be a place you can set other criteria besides just name to search by. If/when you find it, select the size option and put in 100 (if it's in megabytes) or 100000 (if it's in kilobytes).

BTW, nice images! :)
Hi Arden,
Thanks for your note. I also kept going to the page and testing it and it loaded fine without that message popping up at all eventually. I still want to get the widget to test the ram.
Thanks again to you and everyone who offered things to try. If I get any new insight into what happened, I'll post it here. Meanwhile, I THINK I'm outta the woods for now.
Peg ;)

You can view how much space is on your hard drive by clicking on it's icon and getting info (command+i).

You can tell how much memory is installed on your computer by checking the 'about this mac' under the apple menu.

There's a clear distinction between both types of memory. One is for long-term storage (your hard drive) and the other is just for the immediate need and gets cleared out with every re-boot (RAM or commonly called just memory).

Most 'memory' errors are referring to the second kind. What might help is if you tell us exactly how the error looks... take a screen shot of the error when it happens, which would tell us if it's the operating system, your browser or your pbase.com account. Unless you already know this, in which case ignore my suggestion.

Either way, something is out of memory and it seems to be triggered with your photos.

I've seen similar errors occur when I have a bad photo file. Something about a nearly complete photo file that fools the OS into believing it's exponentially larger then it actually is. I can't remember the last time I actually had that type of error, and if it was even OSX... but you can make sure it's not happening to you by verifying that it's not the same photo that triggers the error.
Hi Evildan,
I DID get suspuscious of my last photo, Denali (my dog) since that was the one that triggered the message. (This is NOT happening now, however.)

The message was: "The program could not property load the photo due to low system memory." When I kept seeing "the program" I figured it was IE 5.2.2. But maybe the problem was with pbase.com, as someone else suggested??? But this is such a huge photo site it doesn't seem like the problem would be on their end.

That's a good suggestion about reloading a photo file if it's troublesome. I know on that site I have to regenerate thumbnails every once in a while.

If it happens again, I'll be back with a snapshot.

PS: I was a happy user of Netscape for years and recently switched to IE when I go into OSX.

As most here, I would suggest using Safari, you'll be using it eventually, as Microsoft has discontinued IE for OSX anyway. I also was a big Netscape fan, it was the better browser for a while there.

You can still download it for OSX, but I find the fastest browser with the most 'apple features' to be Safari, maybe because it's made by Apple.

Anyway, good luck with the memory issue, I hope all works out well.
uffff, netscape for macosx is what I found to be the worst browser. I would rather use IE.
I second evildans suggestion. Go for safari.
Zammy-Sam said:
uffff, netscape for macosx is what I found to be the worst browser. I would rather use IE.
I second evildans suggestion. Go for safari.

Thanks! I will definitely get another copy and give it a try again.
Everything seems to be OK for now....no memory messages. hmmm.