This problem is driving me crazy and i can't find a solution.
I have this macbook that at the beginning was working great, but now, since a couple o week doesn't sleep anymore when left idle. I have tried quitting tons of deamons, programs turning off sharing and so on. Nothing. I set the sleep timer at 1 minute to check it. Nothing. It won't sleep.
The curios thing is that unlike other user with the same problem who sleeps the computer manually and they find it on some minutes later, my macbook can sleep for days if manually put in sleep (Lid or Sleep from the menu). No automatic waiking, it just can't sleep when left idle.
This is not the first time it happens. Some month ago the only solution was reformatting the drive and reloading Leopard. Right now i don't want to this again as i just loaded Snow Leopard since day 1.
So, summing up here's my situation:
-the macbook can sleep manually (lid or menu)
-the macbook stay in sleep without waking up (just wake with normal wake)
-the macbook doesn't go to sleep if left idle for the time set in system pref (but it shut down the monitor according to prefs)
-the macbook runs 10.6.1
-with a new system, without loading anything, the computer can sleep if left idle.
-i can't tell if i have installed something that have screw up things. Just normal apps...
i can provide you as many logs as you want, just tell me which you need.
Here is a list of my processes running now, (sleep not working)
123 Activity Monitor jetmcquack 1,5 2 25,0 MB Intel (64 bit)
131 activitymonitord root 0,5 1 1,2 MB Intel (64 bit)
291 AirPort Base Station Agent jetmcquack 0,0 4 1,6 MB Intel (64 bit)
304 airportd root 0,0 2 1,4 MB Intel (64 bit)
49 autofsd root 0,0 2 972 KB Intel (64 bit)
306 backupd root 0,0 2 2,4 MB Intel (64 bit)
48 blued root 0,0 3 2,7 MB Intel (64 bit)
14 configd root 0,0 5 3,0 MB Intel (64 bit)
79 coreaudiod _coreaudiod 0,0 3 1,5 MB Intel (64 bit)
57 coreservicesd root 0,0 5 15,6 MB Intel (64 bit)
67 cvmsServ root 0,0 1 816 KB Intel (64 bit)
11 DirectoryService root 0,0 6 4,8 MB Intel (64 bit)
13 diskarbitrationd root 0,0 2 1,5 MB Intel (64 bit)
276 distnoted daemon 0,0 3 1,1 MB Intel (64 bit)
268 Dock jetmcquack 0,0 3 8,7 MB Intel (64 bit)
43 dynamic_pager root 0,0 1 788 KB Intel (64 bit)
95 Finder jetmcquack 0,0 6 12,5 MB Intel (64 bit)
299 fontd jetmcquack 0,0 3 3,2 MB Intel (64 bit)
41 fseventsd root 0,0 13 1,8 MB Intel (64 bit)
40 hidd root 0,0 3 2,0 MB Intel (64 bit)
0 kernel_task root 0,6 53 137,0 MB Intel
38 KernelEventAgent root 0,0 3 1.008 KB Intel (64 bit)
10 kextd root 0,0 2 16,3 MB Intel (64 bit)
29 krb5kdc root 0,0 2 1,9 MB Intel (64 bit)
89 launchd jetmcquack 0,0 2 904 KB Intel (64 bit)
1 launchd root 0,0 3 1,1 MB Intel (64 bit)
37 loginwindow jetmcquack 0,0 2 9,6 MB Intel (64 bit)
17 mDNSResponder _mdnsresponder 0,0 3 1,8 MB Intel (64 bit)
228 mds root 0,0 5 52,1 MB Intel (64 bit)
303 mdworker _spotlight 0,0 3 2,9 MB Intel (64 bit)
294 mdworker jetmcquack 0,0 4 3,3 MB Intel (64 bit)
12 notifyd root 0,0 2 680 KB Intel (64 bit)
28 ntpd root 0,0 1 1,1 MB Intel (64 bit)
297 pboard jetmcquack 0,0 1 836 KB Intel (64 bit)
246 Safari jetmcquack 0,0 8 48,7 MB Intel (64 bit)
21 securityd root 0,0 5 2,6 MB Intel (64 bit)
301 spindump root 0,0 5 2,2 MB Intel (64 bit)
15 syslogd root 0,0 4 804 KB Intel (64 bit)
94 SystemUIServer jetmcquack 0,0 3 17,2 MB Intel (64 bit)
298 usbmuxd _usbmuxd 0,0 3 1,1 MB Intel
292 UserEventAgent jetmcquack 0,0 4 5,1 MB Intel (64 bit)
65 WindowServer _windowserver 0,2 5 27,8 MB Intel (64 bit)
I have this macbook that at the beginning was working great, but now, since a couple o week doesn't sleep anymore when left idle. I have tried quitting tons of deamons, programs turning off sharing and so on. Nothing. I set the sleep timer at 1 minute to check it. Nothing. It won't sleep.
The curios thing is that unlike other user with the same problem who sleeps the computer manually and they find it on some minutes later, my macbook can sleep for days if manually put in sleep (Lid or Sleep from the menu). No automatic waiking, it just can't sleep when left idle.
This is not the first time it happens. Some month ago the only solution was reformatting the drive and reloading Leopard. Right now i don't want to this again as i just loaded Snow Leopard since day 1.
So, summing up here's my situation:
-the macbook can sleep manually (lid or menu)
-the macbook stay in sleep without waking up (just wake with normal wake)
-the macbook doesn't go to sleep if left idle for the time set in system pref (but it shut down the monitor according to prefs)
-the macbook runs 10.6.1
-with a new system, without loading anything, the computer can sleep if left idle.
-i can't tell if i have installed something that have screw up things. Just normal apps...
i can provide you as many logs as you want, just tell me which you need.
Here is a list of my processes running now, (sleep not working)
123 Activity Monitor jetmcquack 1,5 2 25,0 MB Intel (64 bit)
131 activitymonitord root 0,5 1 1,2 MB Intel (64 bit)
291 AirPort Base Station Agent jetmcquack 0,0 4 1,6 MB Intel (64 bit)
304 airportd root 0,0 2 1,4 MB Intel (64 bit)
49 autofsd root 0,0 2 972 KB Intel (64 bit)
306 backupd root 0,0 2 2,4 MB Intel (64 bit)
48 blued root 0,0 3 2,7 MB Intel (64 bit)
14 configd root 0,0 5 3,0 MB Intel (64 bit)
79 coreaudiod _coreaudiod 0,0 3 1,5 MB Intel (64 bit)
57 coreservicesd root 0,0 5 15,6 MB Intel (64 bit)
67 cvmsServ root 0,0 1 816 KB Intel (64 bit)
11 DirectoryService root 0,0 6 4,8 MB Intel (64 bit)
13 diskarbitrationd root 0,0 2 1,5 MB Intel (64 bit)
276 distnoted daemon 0,0 3 1,1 MB Intel (64 bit)
268 Dock jetmcquack 0,0 3 8,7 MB Intel (64 bit)
43 dynamic_pager root 0,0 1 788 KB Intel (64 bit)
95 Finder jetmcquack 0,0 6 12,5 MB Intel (64 bit)
299 fontd jetmcquack 0,0 3 3,2 MB Intel (64 bit)
41 fseventsd root 0,0 13 1,8 MB Intel (64 bit)
40 hidd root 0,0 3 2,0 MB Intel (64 bit)
0 kernel_task root 0,6 53 137,0 MB Intel
38 KernelEventAgent root 0,0 3 1.008 KB Intel (64 bit)
10 kextd root 0,0 2 16,3 MB Intel (64 bit)
29 krb5kdc root 0,0 2 1,9 MB Intel (64 bit)
89 launchd jetmcquack 0,0 2 904 KB Intel (64 bit)
1 launchd root 0,0 3 1,1 MB Intel (64 bit)
37 loginwindow jetmcquack 0,0 2 9,6 MB Intel (64 bit)
17 mDNSResponder _mdnsresponder 0,0 3 1,8 MB Intel (64 bit)
228 mds root 0,0 5 52,1 MB Intel (64 bit)
303 mdworker _spotlight 0,0 3 2,9 MB Intel (64 bit)
294 mdworker jetmcquack 0,0 4 3,3 MB Intel (64 bit)
12 notifyd root 0,0 2 680 KB Intel (64 bit)
28 ntpd root 0,0 1 1,1 MB Intel (64 bit)
297 pboard jetmcquack 0,0 1 836 KB Intel (64 bit)
246 Safari jetmcquack 0,0 8 48,7 MB Intel (64 bit)
21 securityd root 0,0 5 2,6 MB Intel (64 bit)
301 spindump root 0,0 5 2,2 MB Intel (64 bit)
15 syslogd root 0,0 4 804 KB Intel (64 bit)
94 SystemUIServer jetmcquack 0,0 3 17,2 MB Intel (64 bit)
298 usbmuxd _usbmuxd 0,0 3 1,1 MB Intel
292 UserEventAgent jetmcquack 0,0 4 5,1 MB Intel (64 bit)
65 WindowServer _windowserver 0,2 5 27,8 MB Intel (64 bit)
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