mail coming hours late?


Unofficial Mac Genius
Has anyone been having this same problem? Mail that is coming through my e-mail address tends to be up to 10 hours late... and it seems to have started ever since I accessed my account through Apple's webmail services.

I hope I'm not the only one having this problem. :(
I'm not having trouble, except from Hotmail to Mac...but I'm guessing that's Hotmail holding mails back a bit...
I'm also experiencing this. But not because of the webmail system, I've been noticing it for some time now. May be because of extreme loads on apple's servers. They have a lot of users, who runs bot homepages and email. Maybe this is just a sign Apple needs to upgrade their server?
Originally posted by voice-
I'm not having trouble, except from Hotmail to Mac...but I'm guessing that's Hotmail holding mails back a bit...
i have loads of trouble sending and recieveing to hotmail accounts, maybe its the in the address.
Actually, I've tried it out with quite a few mails, and it seems that MS is holding back. You might have noticed that when you send hotmail to hotmail it says the message is "Instantly delivered", yet hotmail to something else it says "Sent"...I think what they mean by sent is that it will be sent in a while(usually 5 minutes)...MS is trying to make all others appear slow...,, the whole system works great for me.

You are completely right about hotmail. I sometimes didn't get mail for a day and a half. That was a real problem because the guy sending it to me was trying to get me to print out his grant proposal due in 45 minutes. He came all the way across campus to pick it up from my dorm and all I could say was, "Sorry, Hotmail has decided that today is your day to anally rape you."

That among other problems of the servers being down at key moments in my busy day made me go and not look back.
I'm very delayed today also. Doesn't happen always though. That i know of. Or is something else screwey. I'm not sure.

MS-sponsored porn links! What more could you ask for?

Hotmail rules! I wish I could find more ways to work from home for $kkk's a year!
