Mac compatible MP3 players (not ipod)


Bought the 30 gig ipod and was not happy that it skipped and popped and stopped while lightly jogging and sometimes while not even moving. returned it the next day to BB's.

So now I'm looking for a mac compatible MP3 player in CD form or flash. Would love to hear of people's actual experiences with their MP3 players, even if they use a PDA to play them. The cd models look nice because of how many songs can fit on a CD, but still need smooth performance and no skipping while jogging.

thank you in advance. also would like to buy it at a store like CC or BB so I could also get the extended warranty.

So the skip protection was turned off, I thought that would be enabled by default, Or you just got a bad unit.
Skip protection - much the same as used on portable CD players. Music files are loaded into the internal memory (32MB) and play directly from there, so not affected by physical movement. The skip protection provides for up to 25 Minutes! (not seconds) If this does not work, then the iPod would be Restored, (through the iPod updater software installed on the computer)
If this was a brand new iPod (might be doubtful from BB ;) ) then likely the unit was defective
So go back to the store and get an iPod that isn't a lemon. See if they'll let you try it; if they will, listen to it and shake the device like salad dressing. If it doesn't skip during that, then you should be set.

I didn't know iPods skipped in the first place, since they have a hard drive instead of a CD. Maybe from the platter's movement?
yeah, when the iPod is loading the songs, it spins the hard drive, reads them into memory, and then spins down. If you shake the iPod during this short 10 seconds of hard drive spinning, you risk skipping