.mac down again... ???? maybe they should serve with AMD...


i was just trolling though the mac hardware forum and trying to connect to everyone's .mac homepage (to see everyone's hardware setup)

.. at each .mac link I get "homepage doesn't exist"...

I've heard a lot of bad things about .mac... maybe they should be using AMD with Apache and screw the whole X server thing... or maybe they already are and don't know how to use it... either way it's another reason to fire Steve Jobs...

Aren't I fun????
"Homepage not found" is prolly from the people who didn't subscribe to .mac, nothing to do with the .Mac servers...
I didn't subscribe to .mac either... sorry! heh :D
Only way to see my setup is to click on the link in my sig. :)
no, i see your icon up there so much i thought you were one of the .mac accounts gone bad... all just a bad dream i'm afraid or something i ate... btw, auron is my fav...
nah, I almost subscribed to it - but decided that my own server could use the money instead, and I couldn't make the changes I wanted to my .mac account, so I just let it go... I might eventually subscribe to it (like when I go back to work).

I think Auron is everyone's favorite since I've seen him as an avatar everywhere I go, which is the only reason I didn't chose him! :p
I was wondering who would be the first to say something (and know where the avatar character is from). :)
Originally posted by michaelsanford
Tormente: and I thought my sig was big! :p
Man, I swear I'm trying to keep it short, I've revised it like 3 times in the past 2 days! I'm trying! heh :) :p