.Mac down for filesharing (iDisk/HomePage)?


Anyone else having a problem today?

I put some files on my iDisk Public folder and they're not available for download from my File_sharing site like always.

They show up on the page but when I try to download them I get:
We're sorry, but we can't find the HomePage you've requested. It's possible that:

° The address was entered incorrectly. Check your spelling and try again.

° The .Mac member of this name has either created a page and removed it or has never published a HomePage.

° There is no .Mac member of this name. If you'd like this member name for yourself, sign up for a .Mac account right now and have your own HomePage in minutes.

I WAS able to download them using iDisk Utility for Win XP but I need to share them with others.

I even deleted the files and RE-uploaded them (also with iDisk Utility for XP) but they're still un-downloadable.


And is there ANYWHERE to email Apple support? I hate their Support site...especially since this is a paid service.

Note: I just re-subscribed to .Mac over the weekend...could something strange be happening with my account since it just renewed? (I know it renewed - they billed me)
Strange...the files that didn't work were .mp3 files. I tried to zip them, that didn't work. I tried an .m4p file, that didn't work.

But a .jpg did. Is Apple blocking certain file types? Could it be a size issue?
Try putting them in a new folder with a different name, no extension and compressing and see if it works.
Thanks...but no go there :(

I tried 1 mp3 w/ no file extention.
I tried all of them zipped with no file ext. on the zip (and with and without file ext. on the files themselves).
I tried the entire folder (with an without file ext. on the files themselves).

I even changed the file extention on the .jpg file to be .mp3 and changed the file extention of one of the .mp3's to .jpg.

The ONLY time I could get the file to download was with the real .jpg with .jpg as the file ext.

Something weird is going on. I wish I could contact Apple...