Mac drops the F Bomb in latest Mac ad...

It's subtle and quick, but it's there. You can see Mac mouthing phonetically the letter "F" and then there's the switch. :p
I have to admit tho - the first time I tried vista and got the User Account Control thingy - I was saying "WTF" quite a bit too :)
Are the security measures in Vista really that intrusive?

I've read at a few other places it's a bit, 'over the top' with the constant warnings and password prompts, haven't had chance/ the need to use it myself so have no idea.
Are the security measures in Vista really that intrusive?

I've read at a few other places it's a bit, 'over the top' with the constant warnings and password prompts, haven't had chance/ the need to use it myself so have no idea.

They say you get used to it after the second day of using it :)

At first - it is a little stupid - every program you run, every action .. "Allow?"

You can turn it off, but it can stop spyware, etc from getting into your system. Having worked for Dell's tech support line, charging people $99 a fix - I can see how some users would like to keep it on and live with the annoyance.